Jury’s Stellar Award (First Place Award): Best Narrative, NJ Young Filmmakers Festival (Black Maria Film Festival), When the Wiggle Met the Giggle, 2020
Award of Merit: Children/ Family Programming, Best Shorts, When the Wiggle Met the Giggle, 2020
Honorable Mention, Award winner for Best Original Story, Top Shorts, When the Wiggle Met the Giggle, 2020
Honorable Mention, Award winner for Best Children Short, Independent Shorts Awards, When the Wiggle Met the Giggle, 2020
Finalist, Super Short Film at Prague international Monthly Film Festival, When the Wiggle Met the Giggle, 2020
Semi-Finalist, Short Narrative at Dumbo Film Festival, When the Wiggle Met the Giggle, 2020
Semi-Finalist, Best Children Short at Indie Short Fest, When the Wiggle Met the Giggle, 2020
Semi-Finalist, Short Films at Wholesome Film Festival, When the Wiggle Met the Giggle, 2020
Best Short Film, NewFilmmakers NY, When the Wiggle Met the Giggle, 2020
Best Short Script, 2021 Voices Rising Film Festival, When the Wiggle Met the Giggle, 2020