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Eyes Bound with Intentions

Snapdragon Art Gallery Jersey City, NJ Curated by Andrea David Exhibition Dates: November 19th to January 21, 2021 Eyes Bound with Intention 6' 4"H X 6' 3" W Watercolor on paper June 22, 2020

Eyes Bound with Intentions

Snapdragon Art Gallery Jersey City, NJ Curated by Andrea David Exhibition Dates: November 19th to January 21, 2021 Eyes Bound with Intention 6' 4"H X 6' 3" W Watercolor on paper June 22, 2020

Eyes Bound with Intentions

Snapdragon Art Gallery Jersey City, NJ Curated by Andrea David Exhibition Dates: November 19th to January 21, 2021 Eyes Bound with Intention 6' 4"H X 6' 3" W Watercolor on paper June 22, 2020

Eyes Bound with Intentions

108 community prayers stitched together creating a collective prayer for hope. 6' 4"H X 6' 3" W Watercolor on paper June 22, 2020 Photographer: Eric Voigt

Eyes Bound with Intentions

108 community prayers stitched together creating a collective prayer for hope. 6' 4"H X 6' 3" W Watercolor on paper June 22, 2020

108 community prayers stitched together creating a collective prayer for hope. 6' 4"H X 6' 3" W Watercolor on paper June 22, 2020

108 community prayers stitched together creating a collective prayer for hope. [detail] 6' 4"H X 6' 3" W Watercolor on paper June 22, 2020 Photographer: Eric Voigt

108 community prayers stitched together creating a collective prayer for hope. [detail] 6' 4"H X 6' 3" W Watercolor on paper June 22, 2020 Photographer: Eric Voigt

108 community prayers stitched together creating a collective prayer for hope. [detail] 6' 4"H X 6' 3" W Watercolor on paper June 22, 2020 Photographer: Eric Voigt

108 community prayers stitched together creating a collective prayer for hope. [detail] 6' 4"H X 6' 3" W Watercolor on paper June 22, 2020 Photographer: Eric Voigt

108 community prayers stitched together creating a collective prayer for hope. [detail] 6' 4"H X 6' 3" W Watercolor on paper June 22, 2020 Photographer: Eric Voigt

108 community prayers stitched together creating a collective prayer for hope. [detail] 6' 4"H X 6' 3" W Watercolor on paper June 22, 2020 Photographer: Eric Voigt

108 community prayers stitched together creating a collective prayer for hope. [detail] 6' 4"H X 6' 3" W Watercolor on paper June 22, 2020

108 community prayers stitched together creating a collective prayer for hope. [detail] 6' 4"H X 6' 3" W Watercolor on paper June 22, 2020

108 community prayers stitched together creating a collective prayer for hope. [detail] 6' 4"H X 6' 3" W Watercolor on paper June 22, 2020

108 community prayers stitched together creating a collective prayer for hope. [detail] 6' 4"H X 6' 3" W Watercolor on paper June 22, 2020

Response to Covid-19 2020 first 10 out of 108 Eyes with Intentions Watercolor on paper stitched together 2020

#1 “Love for all” -Cydney Williams 6”H X 6”W Watercolor on paper April 2, 2020

#2 “Hope for all” -Cydney Williams 6” X 6” Watercolor on paper April 3, 2020

#3 “Freedom for all” -Cydney Williams 6" X 6" Watercolor on paper April 6, 2020

#4 “Be kind and gentle to yourself” -Ellie Deneroff 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper April 7, 2020

#5 “Be. Present. Take. The. Time.” -Emma Simon 6” X 6” Watercolor on paper April 7, 2020

#6“Only the strong will continue” -Josh Weaver 6” X 6” Watercolor on paper April 9, 2020

#7 “A sovereign mind, a vivacious heart, a genuine hand” -Reneiss Garcia 6” X 6” Watercolor on paper April 9, 2020

#8 “Day By Day…We Gettin’ Better & Better” -Rashad Wright 8” X 8” Watercolor on paper April 9, 2020

#9 “The moon still sets and the sun still rises” + “Good things ahead” -Dakota Kashchy 8” X 8” Watercolor on paper April 13, 2020

#10 “Be strong, not scared” -Andrea Pauza 8” X 8” Watercolor on paper April 14, 2020

#11 “The obstacle is the path” -Sam Easley 8” X 8” Watercolor on paper April 17, 2020

#12 “Know yourself. Love yourself. Be Yourself.” -Regina Pearce 8” X 8” Watercolor on paper April 17, 2020

#13 “It’s time to give a fuck.” -Montana Drummond 6” X 6” Watercolor on paper May 6, 2020

#14 “To adapt gracefully within the flows of chaos & ooo opportunity, & to see every moment as an opportunity to choose loved-base awareness & actions <3.” -Robin Davenport 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper May 6, 2020

#15 "I am kind. I am love. I am light." 🌈❤💛💚💙💜🌈 -Andy Blanchet 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper May 7, 2020

#16 “May we awaken to our true inner power to change the world.” -Meghan McAuliffe 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper May 7, 2020

#17. “Providing nourishment” -Michelle Williams 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper May 8, 2020

#18 “No change without challenge” -Dominique Powers 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper May 28, 2020

#19 “The best religion is your own religion” -Michael Fahey 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper May 28, 2020

#20 “Always Love” -Glenn Basgaard 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper May 29, 2020

#21 “You know your limitations and you stick with it” -Michael Cordeiro 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper May 29, 2020

#22 “Hope for the best and brace for the worst” -Hayley Altman 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper May 29, 2020

#23 “Seek Truth” -Maddy Burns 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper May 29, 2020

#24 “Militant” -Burgo 8”X 8” Watercolor on Paper June 3, 2020

#25 “Make your bed and watch the birds” -Ian Eckstein 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 3, 2020

#26 “One moment at a time” -Sydney Eckstein 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 3, 2020

#27 “Love Conquers All” -Diane Basgaard 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 4, 2020

#28 “The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.” Psalms 29:11 -Tom Basgaard 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 4, 2020

#29 “Surrender.” -Kate Skinas 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 8, 2020

#30 “Be a warrior, not a worrier.” -John Wetenkamp 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 8, 2020

#31 “Everything happens for a reason.” -Ezra Mount-Finette 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 9, 2020

#32 “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone!” -Jamie Eckstein 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 9, 2020

#33 “Ho’oponopono~ I apologize, please forgive me, thank you, I love you” -Joe Ellis 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 9, 2020

#34 “Justice must prevail”-Hilary Altman 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 10, 2020

#35 “Love, justice, and inspiration”-Jay Altman 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 10, 2020

#36 “Love conquers hate”-Brett Altman 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 10, 2020

#37 “Keep busy and exercise”-Grandma Liz Williams 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 10, 2020

#38 “Call me up”-Grandma Lynn Hordes 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 10, 2020

#39 “When you least expect it, the sun comes out” (Shakira) & “At the end of the day we can endure much more than we think we can” (Frida Kahlo) -Angel Herrera-Ponce 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 10, 2020

#40 “Esse Quam Videri” (To be, rather than to seem) & “Put as much effort into being kind to myself as being kind to others” -Luke Ivy Price 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 10, 2020

#41 “Be your own person” -Shirley Cruset 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 10, 2020

#42 “Shit happens… deal with it” & “Just keep swimming” -William Williams X 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 11, 2020

#43 “Nothing changes if nothing changes” -Ali Kovac 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 11, 2020

#44 “Everything in moderation” -Mike Roche 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 11, 2020

#45 “You belong somewhere you feel free” (Tom Petty) -Melissa Scatena 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 11, 2020

#46 “During this time it is important to learn without the necessity of having to be taught” -William Williams Jr. 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 11, 2020

#47 “Listen with my whole heart” -Anna Oh 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 15, 2020

#48 “Listen to your body” -Carleigh Garrett 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 15, 2020

#49 “Timshel” (Hebrew) “Thou Mayest” (English) -Joanna Regan 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 15, 2020

#50 “If you’re not growing you’re dying” -Angel Phipps 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 15, 2020

#51 “You can either run from it or learn from it!” (Rafiki)- Dan Lazarus 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 17, 2020

#52 “Simple is bliss” -Paul Roche 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 17, 2020

#53 “Remember your journey up to today and be proud.” & “You deserve to feel however you feel whenever you feel it” -Lorena Liñero 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 17, 2020

#54 “Do it scared” -Courtland Bluford 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 17, 2020

#55 “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take- Wayne Gretzky - Michael Scott” -Stefan Tsourovakas 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 17, 2020

#56 “You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar” -Jill Burns 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 17, 2020

#57 “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there” & “An ounce of example is worth a pound of advice” -Mark Burns 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 17, 2020

#58 “There’s always an upside” -Nico Secunda 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 17, 2020

#59 “Be gentle with yourself” -Dalourny & Jon 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 17, 2020

#60 “You are the power you seek” -Alison Roche 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 17, 2020

#61 “The only thing certain is the uncertainty” -Karline Moeller 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 17, 2020

#62 “The best gifts in life are those you give to others” -Leah Machlin 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 18, 2020

#63 “Even Keel” -Eric Esposito 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 18, 2020

#64 “I am loving awareness” (Ram Das) -Logan Giroux 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 18, 2020

#65 “Blessed to see another day” -Justin Chew 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 18, 2020

#66 “No pride for some of us without liberation for all of us” (Marsha p Johnson) -Hannah Machlin 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 18, 2020

#67 “Time is a flat circle” -Patrick Poggi 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 18, 2020

#68 “You win some you lose some” -Alexandria Williams 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 18, 2020

#69 “Naked I came from the womb, naked will I return” -Jon Lee 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 18, 2020

#70 “Give yourself more grace than you think you need” -Shirley Shen 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 18, 2020

#71 "L'Chaim - To Life... No matter what difficulty life brings, no matter how hard or painful or unfair life is, life is holy and worthy of celebration.” - Hattie Egan-Young 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 19, 2020

#72 “Deep slow breathing in and out, again and again and again” -Eva Adler 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 19, 2020

#73 “Keep on keeping on” -Zach Adler 6”X 6” June 19, 2020

#74“Tend to it” -Kathryn Espozeto 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 19, 2020

#75 “I radiate abundance. I am increasingly magnetic to things that help me grow” Angela Sarracino 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 19, 2020

#76 “A great man once said, ‘Don't worry about a thing, 'cause every little thing gonna be all right’.” (Bob Marley) -Matt Devinney 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 19, 2020

#77 “Let’s do our best to create an environment with more love and understanding for our future generations” -Jackie Jacobsen 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 19, 2020

#78 “2 wrongs don’t make a right, but 3 lefts do” & “Close your mouth when hanging your head out the car windows” & “Never piss into the wind” -Evan Silverberg 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 19, 2020

#79 “Do the right thing” -Michael Casciari 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 19, 2020

#80 “The say flowers don’t grow where the sun don’t shine, but you can see the most stars in the darkest night.” (Matt Romagna) -Kelsie Walsh 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 19, 2020

#81 “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind “❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 (Dr. Seuss) -Ryan Mahoney 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 19, 2020

#82 “Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” (Goethe) -Ysabel Pinyol Blasi 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 19, 2020

#83 "Life is a process--just one thing after another. When you lose it, just start again."(Richard Carlson) -Eric Voigt 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 19, 2020

#84 “I have hope for a better life” -Patricia Sebold 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 19, 2020

#85 “A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always be busy with something, and to know how to demand with all his might that which he desires” -Ali Jones 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 19, 2020

#86 “Try for gratitude!” -Steve Machlin 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 19, 2020

#87 “Be knowledgeable and make good decisions based on facts and science” -Paula Machlin 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 19, 2020

#88 “WWWND: What Would Wayne Not Do” & “What goes around comes around”-Bonnie Brauner 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 19, 2020

#89 “WWBD: What Would Bonnie Do” -Wayne Brauner 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 19, 2020

#90 “Find the good and go with that…” -Lorraine Cornell 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 19, 2020

#91“The only way out is through” -Will Gebhard 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 19, 2020

#92 “Keep Moving” & “This is ok” -Oceane Vallee-Paquette 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 20, 2020

#93 “Accept the things I cannot change and have courage for the things I can” & “Circumstances don’t define you” -Samantha Adler 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 20, 2020

#94 “Today is gonna be a better day!” -Kara Yennaco 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 20, 2020

#95 “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself”-Sommer Rusinski 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 20, 2020

#96 “Be Present” -Olivia Abt 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 20, 2020

#97 “Om mani padme hum” -Mike Considine 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 20, 2020

#98 “I am enough” -Venessa Burkly 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 20, 2020

#99 “Enjoy patiently” -Michelle Schwartz 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 20, 2020

#100 “It doesn’t matter as much as we think it does, we relax and surrender and it all works better” -Olivia Palma 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 20, 2020

#101 “Culture does not make people. People make culture. If it is true that the full humanity of women is not in our culture, then we can and must make it our culture” (Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche) -Grace Roselli 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 20, 2020

#102 “I can do hard things” -Cindy Drapala 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 20, 2020

#103 “Hope, always.” -Zara Fina Stasi 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 20, 2020

#104 "The spread of civilization may be likened to a fire; first, a feeble spark, next a flickering flame, then a mighty blaze, ever increasing in speed and power." (Nikola Tesla) -Max Burstein 8”X 8” Watercolor on paper June 20, 2020

#105 “We will be known forever by the tracks we leave.” (Dakota Sioux Proverb) -Brock Gibian 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 20, 2020

#106 “The Good in this.” - Max Cummings 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 20, 2020

#107 “[Everything is gonna be] pretty, pretty, prettyyyyy, prettay good” (Larry David) -Elizabeth Cornell 6”X 6” Watercolor on paper June 20, 2020

#108 Excerpt 'Dance In Your Blood' “Inside water, a waterwheel turns. A star circulates with the moon. We live in the night ocean wondering, What are these lights? Walk to the well. Turn as the earth and the moon turn, circling what they love. Whatever circles comes from the center. Dance, when you're broken open. Dance, if you've torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance, when you're perfectly free. (Rumi) -Betsy Davis 8” X 8”

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